Welcome to the WEB page of COOP. CAMP DE CASTELLDANS, SCCL

Here are the terms of use of this WEB page. Browsing this WEB page gives you the role of user of the WEB page and therefore accepts the clauses detailed in this document.

In accordance with the provisions of article 10 of Law 34/2002 of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, it is reported that it is http://www.santfortunat.cat a domain of the company COOP. CAMP DE CASTELLDANS, SCCL with registered office at Cami Ermita, s / n 25154 Castelldans and telephone 973120042 and email castelldanscoop@gmail.com.

Society is called COOP. CAMP DE CASTELLDANS, SCCL with CIF F25011040 which is registered in the Register of the Department of Labor, Social Affairs and Family, on sheet 670, settlement 35.


The user agrees to make proper and lawful use of the website as well as the contents and services, in accordance with the applicable legislation at all times, generally accepted morals and good customs and public order.

It is forbidden to carry out, in turn, any action that may cause alterations to the contents of this WEBSITE or a malfunction of the same, including the introduction of viruses or similar.

The pages of the WEB and the information or elements contained therein, including texts, documents, photographs, drawings, graphics, databases, videos and also logos, trademarks, trade names or other distinctive signs, are protected by of intellectual or industrial property, of which COOP. CAMP DE CASTELLDANS, SCCL or the companies in your group own them or have legitimate licenses.

Any form of exploitation, including any type of reproduction, distribution, assignment to third parties, public communication and transformation, by any means or means, without prior and express authorization is prohibited.

Our intention is to offer a website that offers continuous operation and with the highest quality.

However, we inform you that we cannot guarantee continued access, and that the pages may be disabled, or interrupted by factors or circumstances beyond our control.

COOP. CAMP DE CASTELLDANS, SCCL is not responsible for the information and other content integrated into spaces or WEB pages of third parties accessible through links, hyperlinks or links.

COOP. CAMP DE CASTELLDANS, SCCL is not liable for any damages that may result, including from:





The user, in case of causing damages due to an illegal or incorrect use of the WEBSITE, may be claimed for the damages caused.

Likewise, the user will be liable for any damage or injury arising from the use by “robots”, “spiders”, … or similar tools used to request or extract data or any other action on your part that imposes an unreasonable burden on the operation of the website.


For the resolution of any conflict that may arise as a result of the visit to our WEB we advise you to contact our company directly through the contact details we provide, and set out the case, in order to reach an agreement. friendly for both parties.

Otherwise, the law applicable in the event of a dispute or conflict over the interpretation of the terms that make up this legal notice, as well as any issues related to the services and products of this portal, will be Spanish law.

Our company and the User agree to submit to the Judges and Courts of the User’s domicile, provided that the same is located in Spanish territory and acts as a consumer.



For the resolution of any conflict that may arise as a result of the visit to our WEB we advise you to contact our company directly through the contact details we provide, and set out the case, in order to reach an agreement. friendly for both parties.

Please note that the European Commission provides an online dispute resolution platform which is available at the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/

Otherwise, the law applicable in the event of a dispute or conflict over the interpretation of the terms that make up this legal notice, as well as any issues related to the services and products of this portal, will be Spanish law.

Our company and the user agree to submit to the Judges and Courts of the user’s domicile, provided that the same is located in Spanish territory and acts as a consumer.

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© 2025 Cooperativa del Camp de Castelldans
C/Sant Isidre, 24. 25154 Castelldans (Lleida)
973 12 00 22 - 626 60 27 44
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